Lebkuchenregal Rentier & Socke & Weihnachtsmann Lebkuchenregal Rentier & Socke & Weihnachtsmann
Lebkuchenregal Rentier & Socke & Weihnachtsmann Lebkuchenregal Rentier & Socke & Weihnachtsmann
Lebkuchenregal Rentier & Socke & Weihnachtsmann
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Lebkuchenregal Rentier & Socke & Weihnachtsmann



€ 10,95
Preis pro Stück

Verfügbarkeit :

Make delicious speculaasjes yourself with this traditional speculaas board. This speculaas board has a Christmas motif and consists of a Santa Claus, Christmas stocking and a reindeer.

Dimensions figure:
9 x 8 cm

Total shelf size:
30 x 9.5 cm

How should you use the Speculaas Board?
- Grease the shelf in cooking oil
- Grease the board again after 2 hours
- Then dust the board lightly with some flour
- Remove the dough from the refrigerator after at least 1 hour (preferably overnight)
- Let the dough come to room temperature
- Then press the dough well into the speculaas board and cut away the remains
- Then turn the shelf over and tap so that the cake falls on the baking tray
- If necessary, sprinkle the speculaas lightly with flour again and refill

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